Nano-copper hydroxide precursors with the diameter of 20 to 30 nm have been synthesized by means of wet-chemical way, using cupric sulphate and sodium hydroxide as reactant, ammonia as controlling reagent, respectively. 以硫酸铜和氢氧化钠为原料,氨水为纳米颗粒粒径控制剂,通过湿化学方法合成了20~30nm纳米氢氧化铜棒状原药。
The comprehensive valuation of control treatment was quantitatively analyzed and the order of value from high to low was slop, vaseline, cupric sulphate, sodium hydroxide, limewater, bordeaux mixture, tung oil, saline solution, diesel oil, bavistin. 不同防治处理综合评价得分顺序为:泥浆凡士林硫酸铜碱水生石灰水波尔多浆桐油食盐水柴油多菌灵。
Cupric hydroxide recovery from printed-circulit plate etching waste liquor 从印制电路板蚀刻废液中回收氢氧化铜
Polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA) in the 8 ≤ pH ≤ 12 aqueous solution has the effect solubilizing the cupric hydroxide and making a red shift of its absorption spectrum. It was as a consequence of inclusion-forming substance composed of PVA with cupric hydroxide. 在8≤pH≤12水溶液中的PVA具有使初生态氢氧化铜增溶和吸收光谱红移的作用,这是它们形成包合物的结果。